
viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2010

Europe of Your Dreams Tour

1st day

 Beginning in Madrid, arriving in the airport of cards, then there will be taken towards the hotel Prague (4 stars) located in the downtown. Later to be taken to the restaurant cantespino, in order that it could dislike of a good food in an environment relaxed with typical supply of the country, after it the city will be led to crossing by night, with an approximate duration of three hours.

2nd day

 Beginning very early in the morning spending it to look for a private transfer that was leading it to crossing the route of the castles, lasting this tour approximately 3 hours, crossing the castle Batres, Arrollomolino, Villarejos de Salvores, whip and owner of taj. Later to be taken on returning to the restaurant cantespinos, in order that they serve a special lunch then it will be taken to the hotel to have time him of rest in the night we will happen to search to the hotel to take it to a hotel to take it to a pub, called Jacob's stairs of 4 stars, in order that it could know other persons with other experiences and other cultures.

 Later we will take it again to the hotel in order that it rests and is prepared for the following day.

3rd day
 A very early transfer was happening in the morning to take it to the station of eurailtrain to come to the city of blunt (the trip lasts half a day by train) in the train it will be able to find services of supply, rest, of this insurance it will be the best trip of his life.

 Once arrived in blunt there will be moved to the hotel Grand Hotel of the minerve located to few meters of the city, once in the hotel we will take it to the restaurant Di Rienzo, where it will be able to enjoy the richest traditional dinner of the zone, after the dinner after a walk in the streets of the center beautiful places and many people will be able to know since in this place they are very alive, and you can find people of the whole world. Later to it we will take it to the hotel in order that it could rest and be prepared for the following day.

4th day
 Beginning the day with the breakfast in the hotel, later we will cross the city of Viterbo, Tivoli, Cerveteri, and the Castelli romani, which, it lasted approximately 5 hours. In which there will be n intermediate Stall - lunch, after this tour iremos to a restaurant Finaschetteria beltramme, where it will be able to enjoy show restraint typical of the zone.

 After all this tour they will be a movement to blunt, in direct helicopter to the runway of the hotel, this day in the night will be happened to look in a transfer deprived to be taken to the airport of blunt and to take the flight to London.

5th day
 When it arrives in London there will be taken to the hotel Best Western Chasteguri Padington Court London where it was resting, when it is ready will be able to request for telephone the transfer deprived to begin the tour for London, crossing the bridge Tower bridge, city tour, bigbang. Etc.

 We will lead it to crossing the restaurant Origin, will take it to the zoo Chessingtong world adventures and in the night we will take it to the hotel in order that it rests and the following day to travel towards Barcelona.

6th day

 Come to Barcelona there lodge at the hotel Expo (4 stars) after his I arrive it will know Gaudí's Quarry. To the midday they are going to rest and to have lunch to the restaurant L'Orangiere, where they will be able to enjoy the typical local food. In the evening they were happening an enterteining and relaxing day in the aquarium of Barcelona, finishing with a dinner of farewell in the restaurant L'Orangiere.